What’s Happening at Calvary?



  • Ladies Night - Friday, May 3rd |  6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Ladies Movie & Discussion Night @ Gloria Patterson’s home. Featuring "A Little Princess." Bring a snack to share! Please sign up if you plan to  attend; space is limited to 20 ladies. 

  • Ladies Breakfast - Saturday, May 11th | 9 - 10:30 a.m. in the  Stuart Center. Please sign up if you are attending so that we can plan accordingly. Thank you!

VBS - GLOW! Shine Bright for JESUS
SAVE THE DATE | August 11 - 14

Griefshare: Beginning Sunday, Feb. 4th | 3 - 4:30 p.m. In the Stuart Center
Please see Judy Blubaugh or Pastor Jane for more information.

Find Your Place! - If you feel God’s prompting to serve in one of these ministries, please see Pastor Newsome or Pastor Jane for more information.

  • Security Team

  • Nursery

  • Impact Kids

  • Impact Youth

  • Girls Ministry - Wednesdays

  • Royal Rangers - Wednesdays

  • Audio Visual Team

  • Greeters/Connection Desk

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ARE GROWING! Ladies, we have serving opportunities in Impact Girls Ministry on Wednesday nights. Can you help at least one or two Wednesday’s a month? If so, please see Pastor Jane.